SCRIPTED:     Good day Sir/Ma,can we officially meet you?,name or brand name for your niche?

GIDITRAFFIC: My Name Is GidiTraffic, But friends call me 'GT' Thanks.

SCRIPTED:      What actually do you provide people with?

GIDITRAFFIC:  I provide them with "Traffic" In the actual sense of it, Meaning 'The Mutual Exchange Of Information'.
 I created a platform that facilitates in the sharing and dissemination of majorly,Road traffic reports and various useful pieces of information regarding various inquiries, To say the least.

SCRIPTED:      Its great to have you on this platform,Please is this your first online interview ever?

GIDITRAFFIC:  Nah, I've granted lots of interviews both Online And Offline. 

SCRIPTED:      It is estimated that you have over 60,000 followers on twitter,some say you are either a robot or mercury flows in your veins because of your consistency in traffic reports,can you please tell us what inspires you to do all you do?

GIDITRAFFIC:  Well I've cut myself before and i believe red isn't the color of Mercury.
  It all spawned from an underlying desire to do Good deeds and affect people positively. My original intent was to create a service for the society that would help people, Firstly commuters ,reducing commuting time by helping them make better decisions on routes to travel Or avoid to their various destinations.
Reviewing data and analysis i collect, its obvious 'GidiTraffic' is affecting lives positively, I also get lots of testimonies and gratitude from followers on the effects of the service on their daily lives. These are the little things that keep me going daily. I am driven by a cause to see a change in our society and this is my 'one cent' towards that cause.

SCRIPTED:      Is Giditraffic an individual or a body of people?

GIDITRAFFIC:  Funny enough I've had a couple of users debate with me that @Gidi_Traffic can't be run by just an individual that its indeed a group of people taking shifts, i only smirk all the time because i see it as a huge compliment. I guess i must be doing something exceptionally well for them to think its a bunch of people behind it,whereas its just me and no one else, All that you see of @Gidi_Traffic is handled by an individual, Moi
Its a very herculean task actually and sure i get overwhelmed a couple of times but thinking of the number of people depending on my services renews my zeal every time, i can't relent even if i try.

SCRIPTED:     As the leading online traffic reporter in Nigeria,what are your major challenges?

GIDITRAFFIC: Well not much i would like to share, asides the fact that ALL the 'Traffic update' outfits in the Nation (Radio, Online And Apps) get feeds from @Gidi_Traffic, and Interestingly enough most of them do so stealthily without apportioning due credit to the source, It gets me smirking all the time i guess its all still the ills and unjust practices we're fighting to curb as a Nation... God Bless Nigeria! .

SCRIPTED:     Is there any mentor that has a tremendous impact or inspires Giditraffic?

GIDITRAFFIC: Yes, 'The Brain' from 'Pinky And The Brain' cartoon.

SCRIPTED:      It is known that most of your traffic reports if not all are always accurate,how do you manage to have so much reliable information about everywhere in a snap of a finger?

GIDITRAFFIC:  Like i say all the time, i can't take all credit its just the platform i created with Amazing followers who are 'Everywhere', reports come in scores from a single location you can't beat that, and they will attend to you if you need assistance, there's always someone with an answer to your inquiry,just prepare the right question spice it up with some courtesy and serve.

SCRIPTED:     Where do you aspire to have Giditraffic in the next ten years?

GIDITRAFFIC: I can't answer that....stay tuned to CNN :-)

SCRIPTED:     With your busy schedule and up-to-date reports,how do you enjoy your leisure?

GIDITRAFFIC: That Is My Leisure...

SCRIPTED:     Any regrets about what you do?

GIDITRAFFIC: Nope, None whatsoever

SCRIPTED:  Having mentioned what motivates you,any word of inspiration for people that daily rely on your tweets to go about their road maps?

GIDITRAFFIC:  Making the world a better place begins with one good deed at a time, its the little things that count. EVERYBODY has a part to play. No 'Superman, Batman or Justice League', We are all Heroes of our time. Find Your Spark And Make A Fire!. and remember good deeds NEVER go unrewarded. Thank You.

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