Wednesday, 6 March 2013



    Like a bee in its hive of industry you keep pushing yourself to the edge of your world that you forget how the simple things in life are the wonderful moments that keeps us happy and still offers the essence of true living. Did you miss out on your memory of your spouse's birthday or you forgot to embrace your kid today? It does matter if you are non-challant towards a pal that will go through the eye of a needle to have ​​​​smiles ramify your face and still forget to appreciate the people that has always been dear to you. How busy can you get to forget that you breathe? Do you want to claim you are dead to the everyday sun shining without collecting a dime from your busy schedule? Let the moon say to you that I am too busy in the milky way to glow through out all nights this March,think of the lonesome nights,visualize the darkness that will surround the earth,it is of you to comprehend for you have walked so long in those busy shoes that you have no impulse for people that cherish you dearly.
       It is true that you have a career that you love but you seem not to know that you have true carriers of your love that you ignore,there are no lies about making a living to survive but they are people that have chosen to survive just to keep you living,Do you think I have not heard about the story of a child and his father who were discussing one day,and the child asked his dad,how much do you make a day?,the dad replied $100 and the child hurriedly asked his dad for $50,the furious dad shouted at him and sent him to his room,after a while the dad gave the boy's request a thought and felt he was too harsh for a boy that rarely asks him for money,he decided to beg his child and as he called out to him,the boy came to his father still looking cheerful and as his dad begged him,the child still went ahead to ask for the $50,and as his father inquired the reason he wanted the money,the child dipped his hands into his pockets and brought out some rough looking money and told his dad 'I have been saving up to buy your time for a day'.
         I am way too busy,Yes I am! I am busy writing this piece for every soul that cannot take time to make others feel loved and show them gratitude.Don't be too busy in life to put on your face the smiles that you deserve.

1 comment:

zainab said...
